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Contact Details

Petham Primary School

Church Lane






Tel: 01227 700260

CEO: Mr David Whitehead

To contact please use the OCMAT address below or email through the website.


Executive Headteacher: Mr Scott Guy

Head of School: Mr James Higgins

To contact please use the contact form below


Chair of Local Monitoring Council: Mrs Claire Delaney-Pope

To contact please use the contact form below


SENCO/Inclusion Lead: Mrs Belinda Metcalfe

[email protected]



Office Manager: Ms Emma Miller

[email protected]

01227 700260


Trust Attendance Manager : Mrs Amanda Adcock

[email protected]

01227 700260 - select 'Trust attendance' option



Trust Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Sarah Baker

[email protected]

01227 700260



School Hours:

Gates open at 8.30am

Bell at 8.40am

Registers Taken at 8.45am

End of School Day 3.10pm EYFS & KS1 and 3.15pm KS2

*32.5 hours


Breakfast Club opens at 8.00am

After School Wrap Around Care closes at 5.00pm




We are part of Our Community Multi Academy Trust

Correspondence and registered company address:

c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School

Lynsted, Sittingbourne

Kent, ME9 0RL

01795 606500

Registered Number : 10842747


HR and Finance

c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School

Lynsted Sittingbourne

Kent, ME9 0RL

01795 606500

[email protected] and [email protected]


Admin, Press and Compliance

c/o Lynsted and Norton Primary School

Lynsted Sittingbourne

Kent, ME9 0RL

01795 606500


Clerk to the Trustees

For matters relating to the governance of Our Community Multi Academy Trust and complaints please email [email protected]




If, as a parent of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge. Please contact the office.

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