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Owls Class - Year 3 & 4

Welcome to Owls Class!

Owls Class is taught by Mrs Gurden and Mrs Fenech. 



During the course of this academic year, the learning in Owls Class will revolve around the following topics:

  • Garden of England
  • Ancient Egypt
  • London
  • Mayans
  • Rotten Romans


The children are encouraged to develop and use their investigative skills which in turn gives them a greater level of independence and responsibility for their own learning.  These topics are taught discreetly (from a history or geography perspective), but they also create opportunities for cross-curricular learning and wherever possible links are made with our other subjects.  The subjects are 'brought to life' as much as possible with trips, visitors to school and 'hands-on' experience with artefacts.  


We continue to build on the mathematical skills learnt in Key Stage 1 and during their time in Owls the children will begin to explore alternative methods and attempt more complex 'problem solving' challenges.  Our Scientific discoveries continue with a more 'formal' approach to our practical investigations where the children are supported to write about their experiments in a more conventional way, recording results and suggesting reasons for these.  


As well as daily opportunities for the children to read for pleasure as well as to hone their reading skills with directed tasks, a class text is shared each term with the children which often has a connection to the topic.  In addition, a 'quality text' may also be chosen and read daily to the children so that they can enjoy and benefit from the unique experience of being read to.  





Term 1 The Garden of England

Term 2 Ancient Egypt

Term 3 Our Capital Knowledge Web

Term 4 - Mayans Knowledge Map

Term 5 - Rotten Romans Knowledge Web

Term 6 - Rotten Romans Knowledge Web Continued

