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Petham Primary School

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School Council

Our School Council is elected by the pupils from every year group; it meets fortnightly with Mr Higgins our Head of School in order to discuss matters of interest to the children.


We want the children to feel empowered to have a greater say in how their school is run, whilst demonstrating the British Values, which are at the heart of everything we aim to achieve. 


Tuck Shop

School Council are continuing to successfully run our healthy tuck shop. They are in charge of ordering the snacks and drinks, as well as selling the items and collecting the money.


Tuck shop is on during Friday morning playtime, and all items cost 50p each.


Charity Fundraising

School Council help with all fundraising events throughout the school year. They organise  Children in Need day, Race for Life, Jeans for Genes and other events, usually with a dress up day to help raise money.


Helping Around the School

The children from School Council are keen to help the school be the best place it can be. They take comments from other children about anything they are unhappy about, and pass these on to staff members. They also help with risk assessments and playground rules to help ensure that every child feels safe at school.





School Council Priorities for 2023-24


  • Improve outdoor provision - new games and toys available during breaktime and lunchtime play. 
  • More adult initiated play during break times.
  • Improved look to the outside areas with upgrades to the sandpit and sensory garden.
  • Introduce two lunchtime sittings in order to create a calmer, less stimulating lunchtime experience.


