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Petham Primary School

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Personal Development

We offer a range of personal development opportunities from EYFS through to Year 6. On this page, you will find details of some of those opportunities.  


Year 6 Prefects

Our Year 6 pupils are encouraged to apply for a range of prefect roles. We appoint a team of prefects who are responsible for representing our five school values Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication



School Council & Ambassadors of Learning


Every September, we hold a series of elections to decide at least two representatives per class for the school council. Pupils also have the opportunity to apply for a range of ambassador roles across the school each year including reading and wellbeing. 


Extra-curricular Clubs

There are a great range of clubs offered throughout the academic year. Clubs are offered on a first come first served basis. However, we reserve at least 25% of our club spaces for our vulnerable pupils as part of our equality of opportunity offer. This includes pupil premium and pupils on our SEND register. 


Our 2023-2024 Club offer:

Club:HandballFootballCricketMulti SkillsChoirLegoComputingForest SchoolGardeningWellbeingNetballArt
Vulnerable Uptake (%)393325252337272730302724


*299 extra curricular club spaces were available 

*27% of the total club spaces available were occupied by vulnerable pupils


The School Choir

Our choir meet every Monday throughout the year to practice for upcoming events. Regular events in our calendar include Young Voices at the 02 Arena, monthly family church services in our village, PTFA Christmas and summer events and an annual visit to a local Canterbury residential home. 


