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Woodpeckers Class - Year 5 & 6

Welcome to Woodpecker Class!


Welcome to year 5 and 6 at Petham Primary school.


We are scientists


We are incredibly keen scientists in Woodpeckers and love to investigate the world around us. So far this year we have designed and conducted our own experiments in to our heart rate; investigating how different exercise affects our heart rate and heart health. We have made models of blood, to investigate its composition and looked at how our bodies are incredible machines…we then started to look at how we can help fuel them properly with our diet and keep them working well.

We have investigated evolution and inheritance as well as space and the Solar system. We have been lucky enough to also have real scientists come in to talk to us about careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mechanics). 


We are authors and readers


We are very talented writers in Woodpeckers, being keen readers helps with our vocabulary development. We read independently every day and we share good quality texts in class together. In term 1 this year we are reading 'The last Whale by Chris Vick- an eco sci-fi novel. 


We are mathematicians


We challenge ourselves to take on maths challenges. Every morning we complete our 'fantastic 5' maths questions- these help us recall prior learning and focus on our fluency in maths. We use the White Rose maths programme at Petham which enables us to challenge and support all the learners in our classroom. 


We look after our own well-being.


Lots of the things we do in class help us to take care of ourselves. A range of different PE lessons including: sports, yoga and dance to help look after ourselves physically. We also take time to look after ourselves mentally; with regular PSHE time to talk, Religion and World view lessons to learn about the people in our world and Art lessons to bring out our creative sides.



Miss Mayes

Term 1 24/25 

Flow - Knowledge Web 

