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Petham Primary School

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Petham Primary School is a small, rural school founded in 1776. We are proud to be part of Our Community Multi Academy Trust (OCMAT), a federation of schools under the leadership and guidance of Chief Executive Officer; Mr David Whitehead.


Our school is in Petham, a rural village, close to the city of Canterbury. We are very fortunate to be able to learn in such a beautiful setting, surrounded by sheep, trees and hills and we are only a stone's throw away from the All Saints Church with which we have strong links. Petham is a happy and friendly place, where children enjoy learning and can achieve great things.

We have approximatley 110 children on roll, divided into 5 classes. We are a busy, friendly school, with lots going on. 

At Petham we aim to:  

  • create a safe and inclusive learning environment where everyone can be happy and is ready to learn;  
  • use our outdoor environment to its fullest; 
  • provide a full and varied curriculum where every child, regardless of ability, will encounter a wide range of experiences, both within the local area and further afield;  
  • have high expectations for all;  
  • have passionate staff who foster a love of learning, inquiry and resilience in order to inspire our children to achieve their potential and be prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life; 
  • encourage and support the development of staff and governors, in order to achieve the highest standards for all; 
  • be guided by our key values: leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication. 


Our website aims to provide you with a snapshot of all the exciting and interesting things we do, but it is so much better to come and see the school in action. If you would you like to visit our school, please make an appointment with our school office team. We look forward to welcoming you soon.
