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FAQs for Parents

Does my child need a school uniform?


All Children at Petham Primary School are required to wear uniform and to look smart. 



You can claim your free milk entitlement for your child or pay to have milk available for your child (if over 5) by registering with CoolMilk

How do I enrol my child at the school?


For information about enrolling your child at Petham Primary School, please click below. Parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school by telephoning the School Office on 01227 700260.

What do I do if my child is sick?


Parents should inform the school by telephone on the first morning of an absence by 10am and provide a reason for the pupil's absence. The school will contact the pupil's family and thereafter other emergency contacts if no explanation is given to confirm the reason for the child’s absence. A letter is required on the child’s return to school confirming the reason for their absence.


Where is Petham Primary School located?


Petham Primary School
Church Lane


Please contact Ms Sheasby in the office on 01227 700260 or by email: [email protected]


Petham is south of Canterbury, just off the old Roman Stone Street - the B 2068 - that runs from Canterbury to Hythe.

Our school is on the edge of the village, in Church Lane, opposite the Church and looks out to the east, over a green valley, towards Stone Street




Initially homework tends to be reading and spellings moving through times tables and  finding things out, to more formal tasks as your child progresses through the school. Teachers will send homework timetables home at the beginning of each term letting you know what to expect.


The most important thing you can do to support your child at school is to spend time talking to them.


Home / School Links


At Petham Primary School we see education very much as a partnership between home and school. We therefore welcome any comments or suggestions from our parents regarding any aspect of school life.


We have a home / school agreement that outlines in broad terms the expectations and responsibilities of parents, children and the school.




We are concerned to know that our children are safe at all times. Therefore if your child is absent from school we would ask you to contact the school as soon as possible. On your child’s return we ask that you send us a written note confirming the reason for absence. Should you need to collect your child during school time please let us know beforehand.


If a child regularly complains of feeling unwell and not wanting to come to school, other worries may be the cause, please do discuss these with us as a matter of urgency.


Holidays during term time


It is Government policy, to which this Academy fully subscribes, that children should be at school. There may be a few exceptional circumstances where a holiday request may be considered but we would emphasise the exceptional nature of such approval. If you would like to request absence during school time, we would require a letter requesting leave of absence. This should be addressed to the Headteacher. 


Accidents and Illness


There are always staff at school who have had first aid training to give appropriate treatment for minor accidents. Please inform us if your child has an allergy to plasters. In the case of a more serious accident, every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible. Every parent will be asked to sign a permission form for medical assistance to be given in the case of an extreme emergency if we are unable to contact you.


If your child is unwell we will make every effort to contact you. This of course requires us to have up to date telephone or mobile phone numbers. Please make sure the Office is notified of any change of personal details.




Staff may only administer medicines with a signed parental letter, at the discretion of the Head of School.


Head Lice


You will be told if symptoms of head lice are found on your child or any member of the class. Please let us know if you have treated your child so that we can advise others.  This is done as a blanket letter so that no individual feels uncomfortable.


Please note, the only way we can deal effectively with head lice is a class is if everybody treats their child. We appreciate your co-operation with this matter.


Jewellery and valuables


We would request that children should not wear any jewellery to school, those with pierced ears should only wear studs. However on those days when your child has PE lessons no jewellery at all should be worn.


Children should not bring any valuable items to school, as we are not able to take any responsibility should such items be lost or damaged.


Personal Property


All personal property, including clothing, should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.


We welcome any comments or suggestions from our parents regarding any aspect of school life. At the end of most school days the teachers and Headteacher will come out onto the playground with the children, this gives us an ideal opportunity to address any matters of concern or to pass on congratulations quickly and easily. More formal appointments with both the Headteacher and class teachers can be made through the school office.
