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Physical Education



The PE curriculum is broad and balanced, is accessible, and aims to meet the needs and interests of all pupils. All children have opportunities to explore the areas of net and wall, striking and fielding, invasion games, Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA), Swimming, Dance and Gymnastics. We take full advantage of our large outdoor area, using the field and hard standing for a variety of games including handball, high 5 netball, basketball, football, rounders, cricket, athletics. We also have a large hall with built in gymnastics equipment, providing an indoor space for gymnastics, dance and softball.


Opportunities for all


We are a Gold Sports Mark Award School, this reflects the emphasis we put on high quality PE teaching and our children's involvement in inter / intra sporting competitions. This year, we are hoping to maintain our Gold Sports Mark Award.


We are part of the Canterbury Academy Trust Sports Partnership which facilitates a large number of children to compete in inter-school competitions on a regular basis. We are part of the Kent School Games which also offers further opportunities for our children to compete against other schools. This is now an embedded part of our competitive sport programme. Our children have provided notable achievements in netball, cricket, basketball and infant agility competitions. This year we were winners of the Kent College Cricket Tournament. The Partnership also provides high quality training and support for our teachers.


Through our broad and balanced PE and Sport curriculum, our children learn to develop and strengthen the important qualities of leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication leading to improved concentration, academic achievement and overriding attitude. These skills are adopted by our Key Stage 2 Playleaders.




EYFS & Key Stage 1


Children are taught to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance skills, strengthening their core muscles, agility, co-ordination. By the end of KS1 the children are confident in applying these skills in a range of activities such a teams games, composing and performing simple dance movements which link and composing a short set of linked gymnastic positions.


Key Stage 2


Our KS2 children build on their KS1 skills, progressing to running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. They develop strength, flexibility, control, balance and technique. Children are taught to compare their performances in dance and gymnastics with previous ones and their peers, demonstrating vital critique skills. Our KS2 children play regular competitive games and are taught to apply the basic principles for attack and defense. The children take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges as part of a team and individually. In addition to regular lessons held at school, the children take part in termly swimming lessons with specialist teachers. Voluntary contributions are asked for to help meet the cost of these activities


In all activities, the children are taught to compare their performance to their own previous achievements, with the encouragement to always try to better your personal best.


We encourage the children to both compete with themselves and each other and to co-operate as part of a team. Our annual sports day, which is an integral part of our Sports Week, has a traditional, competitive nature together with a series of activities that all children can enjoy.


The knowledge children learn throughout our P.E curriculum can be found on the long term plans for each class. Our skills progression and key vocabulary tracker can be found below.








We offer a variety of extra-curricular sports clubs including basketball, high 5 netball, handball, girl's football, multi-skills, gymnastics and dance.

Progression Document

