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Video Clips for Home Learning

A whole range of videos we made during lockdown. They cover a wide variety of topics and are still really useful as a resource for a rainy day!

Forest School Twiggy Owl

How to make a twiggy owl using easy to collect items.

Geocaching with Mr H

Let's get outdoors and active!

Puffy 3D Paint

Let's get arty with Mr H!

Birds with Mr H!

Learn about garden birds and how to make a fat seed ball to hang in your garden.

Petham Celeberation Assembly 08 01 2021 1

Frozen Sun Catcher

Mr Higgins teaches you how to make a frozen sun catcher with bits you find in your garden.

Petham Home Learning Term 6 Week 1

Term 6 has started and look what we all got up to!

Petham Home Learning Week 8

Week 7 of Home Learning

Online Lessons

Gardening with Miss Elvy

Staying Active

Petham's Virtual Sports Day

Ready... Set... Go! If we can't have a sports day at school, we will hold a virtual one!

Children Lockdown Sports day

Skipping Challenge

How fit are you?



Mandarin Orange Trifle with Mrs King.

Mandarin Orange Trifle

Mrs King makes a trifle based on a recipe sent in by Megan.

Creative and Crafty

Pop Up Map Booklet

Can you make this pop-up map booklet? It is quite tricky, but give it a go!

Lego Challenge

A Lego Challenge with Miss Grace for all ages! Can you make a mini creature using less than 20 Lego bricks? Remember to send in your photos!

Folding an Origami Cat Face

Miss Leybourne folds an origami cat face.

Making a Booklet KS1 & KS2

Miss Elvy shows how you can make a simple booklet or frame to showcase a picture, a poem, some writing, or anything else really! All you need is some paper a...

Making a Pop Up Book KS1 & KS2

Detailed instructions on how to make a pop-up booklet for your own story!

Mr Higgins and Miss Mayes Get Crafty!

An Art activity to make the pieces to play a game!

Stories and Poetry

Nonsense Poetry with Mrs Hackett

Fred KS1

Mrs Hackett reads 'Fred'.

Macavity the Mystery Cat by TS Eliot for KS2

Mrs Hackett reads a poem by TS Eliot

Troll and the Oliver EYFS

Miss Grace tells the story of Troll and the Oliver.

Petham Poetry LKS2 UKS2 Miss Leybourne

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch KS1

Mr Higgins reads The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch


6 May 2020

Mr Allen's Science Experiment

Petham Staff 2020 Video

School Website Version
