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Wrens Class - Year 1 & 2

In Wrens class we love to learn inside and outside our classroom, we love to explore our surroundings and let our imaginations take us wonderful places.


Over the course of the year we will explore five different topics:

  • Seaside
  • Our Monarchy
  • Growing
  • London's Burning
  • Hot and Cold

Each of these topics allows us to research into the past, explore the world around us, experiment and investigate a variety of different ideas. 


We celebrate our love of reading and read every day to the children and listen to the children reading to us. We love to explore how a book can take us on a journey to a magical land, to outer space or learning about the planet we live on. We encourage our children to take every opportunity to read or to be read to in school and at home. 


The classroom is full of different activities for the children to explore and develop their inquiry and investigation skills, learning to work independently and with partners or as part of a group. We encourage the children to ask questions every step of the way. 

Children in Wrens will learn to…

  • listen carefully and to follow instructions independently.
  • be responsible for their own belongings.
  • take responsibility in caring for themselves, the school and each other.
  • write sentences using and to add ideas using capital letters, full stops and question marks.
  • hold their pencil correctly and begin to form their letters.
  • form their numbers correctly.
  • begin to understand what each digit in a 2 and 3 digit number represents.
  • recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity.
  • tell time to the hour and half past 


We look forward to our time together. 

Miss Aylott, Miss Kent and Mr Vass 

