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Welcome to the PTFA section for 2023-2024


Petham has an active and generous PTFA. The support of this group is invaluable to the school and has made a real difference to how the school runs. Please see a list of forthcoming events below.


PTFA Events   Dates
Halloween Trail Tuesday 31st October from 4pm
Carol ConcertThursday 7th December from 5.30pm
Easter Scavenger HuntThursday 28th March from 3pm
Quiz Night!Friday 26th April from 5.30pm
Summer FairFriday 28th June from 3pm




Our current fund raising target:

To purchase a minibus to enable more educational trips and visits to take place across the school.


How has the PTFA supported the school in previous academic years?


  • 20 new tablets for the children to use to complete their ICT curriculum 2018-19
  • The PTFA have funded the new bark for the adventure play area 2018-19
  • Whole school Mathletics subscription for 2018-19.
  • Donation of £50 to each class for 'wet play' toys.
  • Donation of £1000 towards the school trip to the pantomime.
  • New carpets for Robins and Swallows classes.
  • Two eco-cars for a Year 6 project.
  • Lots of new books for the library.
  • A school celebration, "Petham Fest" with entertainment, face painting and food.
  • Christmas crackers and chocolate lollies for our yearly Christmas lunch.


The PTFA is a vital part of our school community.  Without it, we would not be able to do as many things as we do as a school, and we certainly wouldn't be as well resourced. 
