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Petham Primary School

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Curriculum Intent

At Petham we aim to:  

  • create a safe and inclusive learning environment where everyone can be happy and is ready to learn;  
  • use our outdoor environment to its fullest; 
  • provide a full and varied curriculum where every child, regardless of ability, will encounter a wide range of experiences, both within the local area and further afield;  
  • have high expectations for all;  
  • have passionate staff who foster a love of learning, inquiry and resilience in order to inspire our children to achieve their potential and be prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life; 
  • encourage and support the development of staff and governors, in order to achieve the highest standards for all; 
  • be guided by our key values: leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication. 

With every child in mind, our broad and balanced intended curriculum has been designed to be:

Purposeful and progressive

A skilfully chosen and sequenced curriculum, allows our children to make connections, embed and explore in greater depth the skills and knowledge they have been taught in equal measure.  Across the curriculum, the acquisition of skills and knowledge is progressively built upon to ensure they are reinforced, developed in a range of contexts, retained in the long-term memory and used effectively so that they continually know more, remember more and do more. 

Immersive and inspiring

Placing the child at the centre of our curriculum decisions, we aim to capitalise on their interests and provide experiences beyond the classroom that not only enrich learning but also develop pupils' sense of character and well-being.  Rich and vibrant subject planning and learning environments are used as a stimulus to enhance the children’s senses.  This gives life to exciting experiences, such as outdoor learning, forest school, external visitors, trips and themed days and weeks. Meaningful links are made with our local environment and local history so that pupils appreciate and respect the community they live in.  All of this allows our learners to be fully engaged and motivated and therefore best placed to always move forward in their learning.

Ambitious and challenging

Built on the knowledge and understanding of our pupils’ and their needs, regardless of starting point, all of our children will gain relevant skills and knowledge that will enable them to thrive in their academic and personal success within the school and in the wider world.
