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Curriculum Impact

At Petham School we carefully balance the requirement for pupils to reach national expectations in core subjects with our wider curriculum aims of providing full spectrum of thoughtful and enriching experiences.  Alongside offering our children a carefully mapped progression of skills within all curriculum areas, we try to enable the children to practice and incorporate these skills across all subjects; giving them the opportunity to express their learning in a variety of ways.  Our curriculum is carefully organised for depth as we aim to support children in gaining a deeper and more insightful understanding of the matters, skills and processes within subjects.  All staff monitor and evaluate the impact of our curriculum through a range of assessments, tasks and pupil and parent questionnaires.

The planning of inspiring and imaginative activities promotes enjoyment of the curriculum which in turn positively impacts on achievement of children, confidence and attitude to learning. Developing the independence and motivation as learners for children is crucial alongside building a sense of responsibility as a future citizen is at the heart of all our teaching and learning.  As children move through their educational journey at Petham our aim is that they will be engaged and inspired by their learning, posing their own enquiry questions, taking initiative and co-constructing their own learning pathway.  Children have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based celebration assemblies, performances, competitions and events involving other schools.
